In order to hold up the work bench I need some sturdy saw horses. The bench plans call for folding saw horses made of plywood but I will be making mine out of steel. Let the cutting and welding begin!

Cutting Sawhorse legs from 1″ square 16 ga. steel, two at a time.

A simple jig to make welding up the legs easier. I will be making two 4′ long sawhorses and four 2′ long ones. That way I can use the work bench as a 4’x8′ surface or two 2’x8′ surfaces.
Making leveling feet for the 4′ sawhorses.

All the parts cut and ready to go to the garage for welding.

It’s a beautiful day in March! The shop looks a little empty though.

All the legs welded and ready to go.

The tops of the saw horses are 1×3 16 ga. steel. Welding magnets hold the legs square on the tops.
typical (I wish) weld, leveling foot on, mans best friend!

All present and accounted for.

Meanwhile back in the shop… the 4′ saw horses get fancy top plates with tabs on top that fit into a slot in the bottom of the bench top to keep everything located.

The top plates are split in the center and shimmed independently to ensure I can get the two sides of the bench as flat as possible.

Using the flat bottom edge of the levels to check that the top lies flat. All that fuss’n pays off.